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Beer Coasters Dead Men Sip No Ales II Shipwrecked Issue

Dead Men Sip No Ales...

Avast! The Piraats set sail on their Expedition, but they're in for some heavy seas with the arrival of a seabound scallywag, Captain Drake. It seems that Drake is a Loose Cannon and owes a substantial blood debt to Davy Jones. And the only way for the flamboyant sea-rover to allude the wrath of the other-worldly pursuer, is to seek the aid of a mysterious and powerful voodoo priestess. Whose ability to resurrect the dead and gaze into the future may provide just the advantage needed to avoid a beer-logged fate in the locker of Davy Jones. So, stay tuned as we get Shipwrecked on this week's edition of The Beer Coasters Podcast.



Beer Coasters Dead Men Sip No Ales II Shipwrecked Issue

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